Azure Best Practices


Hello folks,

I couldn't find an Azure-related forum, so I'm am going to try my questions here.  Do let me know if there is a better place to discuss the following...

I am the new Dev Ops Engineer/Epi Administrator at a company that I just joined and I'm new both Epi and Azure/Application Insights (AI), although I have a ton of experience with other CMSes and troubleshooting Web apps (on-premises).  Almost all of the AI views for a particular resource are a consolidation of all of the servers and apps, so I'd like to find the most efficient way of viewing the Live Metrics Stream for each individual website/app.  What is the best way to do that?

Also, how can view the IP bindings for each website?

Once I get a good answer, or a number of answers, I'll likely have follow-up questions regarding troubleshooting best practices on a per-website basis.

Thanks in advance,


Oct 31, 2019 21:14

With assumption, you are not on DXC, wondering have you explore DXC, you can contact with EPi sales teams.

If you are on Azure than EPi is just like any other WebApp, for live streams have a look at 

I am not sure about your infrastructure but assume your site will be behind the traffic manager or Front Door where you can set up a firewall or use following settings to restrict Web apps for IPs (as i said it is just like any other web app in Azure)

<ipSecurity allowUnlisted="true" denyAction="NotFound">
<add allowed="true" ipAddress="******" />
<add allowed="true" ipAddress="******" />

Nov 01, 2019 15:49

Hi Khan,

We have 3 DXCs. DXC 1 has about a dozen sites in it and that is the DXC that I'm currently concentrating on.  I'm not a developer and don't (yet) have Visual Studio.  However, I do recognize the web.config code that you referenced.  I will get with one of our devs to see what all IP info is in the web.config.

Now that you know we have sites in a DXC and that Epi has configured the views in our Azure instances, can you answer my original query?



Nov 01, 2019 15:56

if its DXC, your life is super easy, just contact DXC support for the quick response, they must have something that they will be used internally and might be able to help you in setting up for you. IP restrictions will work without DXC involvement also, your developer need to consider transformations also as you might not require those for all environments.

Nov 01, 2019 16:04
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