Multiple tinyMce Settings for different properties


Episerver 11 with TinyMce 2.

How can i create multiple tinyMce Settings for different properties in same pagetype?

I tried to do this:

    class ExtendedTinyMceInitialization : IConfigurableModule
        public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)


        public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)


        public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
            context.Services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config =>
                // Styles
                var headerStyles = new
                    title = "Rubriker",
                    items = new[]
                        new {title = "Rubrik 1", block = "h1"},
                        new {title = "Rubrik 2", block = "h2"},
                        new {title = "Rubrik 3", block = "h3"},
                        new {title = "Rubrik 5", block = "h5"}

                var listStyles = new
                    title = "Listutseende",
                    items = new object[]
                        new {title = "Exempelruta 1", selector = "ul", classes = "exempelruta"},
                            title = "Grey arrows",
                            selector = "ul",
                            classes = "grey-arrow",
                            styles = new {color = "#808080"}
                            title = "Black arrows",
                            selector = "ul",
                            classes = "black-arrow",
                            styles = new {color = "#000000"}
                            title = "Green arrows",
                            selector = "ul",
                            classes = "green-arrow",
                            styles = new {color = "#008000"}
                            title = "Filled Green arrows",
                            selector = "ul",
                            classes = "green-arrow-filled",
                            styles = new {color = "#008000"}
                var imageStyles = new
                    title = "Bildutseende",
                    items = new object[]
                        new {title = "Infographics", selector = "img", classes = "infographics"},
                        new {title = "FullBredd", selector = "img", classes = "full-width-image"},
                        new {title = "Centrerad", selector = "img", classes = "centered-image"}
                // Default values
                        "epi-link epi-image-editor epi-dnd-processor epi-personalized-content print preview searchreplace autolink directionality visualblocks visualchars fullscreen image link media template codesample table charmap hr pagebreak nonbreaking anchor toc insertdatetime advlist lists textcolor " +
                        " imagetools colorpicker textpattern help code")
                        "bold italic strikethrough forecolor | epi-link image epi-image-editor epi-personalized-content | customfaktabuttonplugin customimagebuttonplugin | bullist numlist | searchreplace fullscreen ",
                        "styleselect formatselect | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | removeformat | table code"
                        , "")
                .StyleFormats(headerStyles, listStyles, imageStyles);

              //  Custom toolbar
                var basicTinyMceSettings = config.Default()
                    .AddPlugin("epi-link", "code")
                    .Toolbar("epi-link unlink || bold italic underline || cut copy paste || undo redo || code")

                var noFormattingOptionsTinyMceSettings = config.Empty()
                    .Toolbar("cut copy paste || undo redo")

                var onlyBoldAndItalicTinyMceSettings = config.Default()
                    .Toolbar("bold italic || cut copy paste || undo redo")

                // Pages
                config.For<ContactPageBase>(p => p.Information, basicTinyMceSettings);
                config.For<ContactPageBase>(p => p.PostalAddress, config.Empty()
                    .Toolbar("cut copy paste || undo redo")
                config.For<ContactPageBase>(p => p.VisitingAddress, noFormattingOptionsTinyMceSettings);
                config.For<ContactPageBase>(p => p.OpeningTimes, onlyBoldAndItalicTinyMceSettings);
                config.For<ContactPageBase>(p => p.TelephoneTimes, onlyBoldAndItalicTinyMceSettings);

                config.For<MainMenuLinkBlock>(t => t.Text, basicTinyMceSettings);
                config.For<TeaserSectionBlock>(t => t.Text, basicTinyMceSettings);

but i didnt work. It only show default for all XhtmlString. 

Thanks in advance!

Edited, Feb 06, 2019 10:46

Shouldn't hte config.For<>s be after the definitions of the settings?

Feb 06, 2019 22:25

hi. yes of course, my copy and paste fault. It's now corrected. But still having the same issue. Any suggestions?

Feb 07, 2019 9:16

Hi Gonzalo,

Are your default configurations applied? At a glance, your code here looks ok (except for the fact that you define basicTinyMceSettings twice?).

Are you able to share your entire Initializable Module?

Feb 07, 2019 20:51

Here is the entire Initializable Module

Feb 08, 2019 16:49

Hi Gonzalo, I suppose you have changed the code in the initial post after Jake commented it?

But currently when you are creating "basicTinyMceSettings" you are not cloning config.Empty() but also changing it (assuming you actually wanted to have config.Empty.Clone() ...) and when you create the "otherTinyMceSettings" you will end up having the modified "empty" as base for the other settings.

Also this can't be the real code because there is missing the ';' from the basic and other tinymce settings definitions afteer calling Toolbar(...), so that code will not compile.

EDIT: poster changed code again.

In the current code all your custom "toolbar" configurations are missing .Clone() when creating different settings (now you code modifies Default() or Empty())

Edited, Feb 08, 2019 16:59

So it should be like below for my custom toolbars: 

var noFormattingOptionsTinyMceSettings = config.Empty().Clone()
                    .Toolbar("cut copy paste || undo redo")

In that way it it should only contain "cut copy paste undo redo" in the toolbar for those properties selected, as below

 config.For<ContactPageBase>(p => p.VisitingAddress, noFormattingOptionsTinyMceSettings);

And keeping all other tinyMce as default. 

Feb 11, 2019 13:37
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