Content item changed GUID? What could go wrong?


I have stumbled on the following issue with the internal link in EPI server site.

There is a property on a page, called FeaturedNavigationLinks with type LinkItemCollection.

An instance of the page has some links to other pages created in that FeaturedNavigationLinks field. The user has moved one of the target pages in the content tree, changed the name and name in the URL as well.

The link stopped working - instead of proper URL on the front-end, it rendered and following that link yields in 404 error. When the link is edited in EPI, the link dialog shows that as a link to an external page.

So what I took a look in the database, and I couldn't find content with the GUID as in the link. But as I said, the user claims the page has been moved and renamed, but that's all. When I checked the via the content ID, in the DB it has a GUID but it's not the one from the link.

I looked into the tblActivityLog table to check who and when altered the value of the link field, but if it was edited - I don't have that data as it has been purged already. I also don't have any info for the page that has been moved, as that data has been purged for it from DB as well already.

Have you ever experienced a similar thing? What else could be going on here? Any hints highly appreciated.

Dec 07, 2020 15:37

As you mentioned that is not supposed to happen. ContentGuid is permanent. Is it possible that someone actually copied the content and delete the original one?

Dec 07, 2020 16:17

That was my assumption

I don't have access to the full changelog, therefore my assumption right now is that:

  • someone edited the link and pointed to a different page in the system
  • that page had been removed from the system long enough that the wastebasket and activity log for this page had been already removed (more than 1 month)
  • old versions of the page with the link had also been purged - at the moment all versions of the field have the "corrupted" GUID.
Dec 07, 2020 16:22
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.