Get Block's Page


Hey all,

is there a quick and nice or at least any way to get Block's Parent Page?

Let's say I have some Page which has some Block in some of it's ContentArea. How could I get that Page from outside Block's Model/Controller?

Ideally I would like to have a Property - ParentPage - on some Blocks, so I could the access some properties of that ParentPage when used in Block's view... does it makes sense?

CMS version is 11 something...

Thank you!

Apr 02, 2020 11:09

Not tested but something like this 

            Injected<IPageRouteHelper>  pageRouteHelper;

	    if (pageRouteHelper.Page is BasePageData currentPage)
               var property = currentPage.Property
Apr 02, 2020 12:09

So do you want to use the properties of the current page(not sure about parent page) on the block?

Apr 02, 2020 12:09

Hi Ričardas,

You can try this extension method to retrieve the Ancestor and Self-content.

public static IEnumerable<IContent> GetAncestorsAndSelf(this IContentLoader contentLoader, IContent content, bool includeEntries = false)
            if (contentLoader == null || content == null)
                return Enumerable.Empty<IContent>();

            var ancestorsAndSelf = contentLoader.GetAncestors(content.ContentLink)?.Reverse().ToList() ?? new List<IContent>();

            if (includeEntries && content is IContent entry)
                var ancestorEntriesAndSelf = contentLoader.GetAncestorEntriesAndSelf(entry);

            return ancestorsAndSelf;
Edited, Apr 02, 2020 19:20
- Oct 25, 2021 15:00
I cant find this GetAncestorEntriesAndSelf
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