EpiForm Multi-Step files missing in submission actor



I'm trying to access the files in a epiform multi step form in a submission actor, right now i'm using the HttpRequestContext to access the files and this works fine as long the file field is placed in the last steg.
But if I place the file field in any earlier steps it will not be available in the final submit request.

Looking at the traffic I can see that the file was already sent during the step change.

How do I access the file fields in a SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor? I can see that the file(s) was stored in the epiform submission list, are there any apis to fetch the file from the stored submission list instead of the HttpContext of the final submit?

I can't find any documentation about this and I hope you can point me att the right direction.


Edited, May 27, 2021 13:35
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