Set default Assets Folder to open in ContentReference Picker


Is there any way to set what assets folder to open the dialog in when the user shall select for instance an Image? 
We have an Icon library in one folder in the Global assets and on one block we have a ContentReference picker, and it would be helpfull if it opens up the wanted folder first. 
It should not be restricted to only that folder, the user can select from another folder.
Running on version 11.

Edited, Jan 11, 2022 6:25

Hi One,

You can create a custom editor descriptor and override the IEnumerable<ContentReference> Roots method.

Hope this helps!

Jan 11, 2022 11:20

Sounds interresting, but you can only have one UIHint on a property right? Already have UIHint.Image on that one

Edited, Jan 11, 2022 12:08

Tried the example and it opened the dialog in the wanted Folder but I couldn't select or see any other Global Folder, only that Folder and "For this Page".
And for it not to open the "Blocks" section I hade to set : ContentReferenceEditorDescriptor<ImageData>

Jan 11, 2022 12:35
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