EPiServer upgraded to 10 result in many errors



I have just upgraded my episerver website from episerver.cms.core 9.12.3 to 10.0.1. 
I'm now experiencing many build errors e.g.:


'Settings' does not contain a definition for 'SiteUrl' and no extension method 'SiteUrl' accepting a first argument of type 'Settings' 


'PageVersion' does not contain a definition for 'LoadPublishedVersion' 


'ContentArea.Contents' is obsolete: 'Use the Items collection to get the content area contents' 


'Category' does not contain a definition for 'Find' 

And many more. Hence I'm trying to correct the errors by trying to understand the updated sitecore api. However I'm not being able to get a grasp of it. Could someone take the examples above and try to explain/correct them. 


Dec 13, 2016 20:04
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