Order by Created in PurchaseOrder.Search


Here we go again. Something apparently easy to do, does not behave as expected in Commerce...

So Created (creation timestamp) is actually a metafields (in the db) even tho is a property of the OrderGroup (so all tables that extend OrderGroup ofcourse has it) ... and everyone go huh?!?!?!

I can specify a where clause on the metafield using the property SqlMetaWhereClause on the OrderSearchParameters. So where so i specify an OrderByClaus for metafields? (it does not exist and the OrderByClaus does not recognize the meta fields columns).

So the question is ... tada ... how do i order my search on metafield values?

Oct 25, 2012 18:02

There is currently no "out of the box" way to order by MetaField values when searching for orders in Commerce. This is because the stored procedure being used, ecf_OrderSearch, does not return all columns of an OrderGroup meta class table (e.g. OrderGroup_PurchaseOrder) in one of the subqueries being built.

One quick hack you could do is to change the ecf_OrderSearch stored procedure to do exactly what I just said does not happen, by changing




and then using something like

OrderByClause = "META.Created ASC"

but "SELECT *" is not the ideal solution in an ideal world.. This would probably be a feature request for a future release.

Edited, Oct 26, 2012 2:28
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