How can we clear baskets that have been expired


How can we clear baskets that have been expired, and didnot turned into purchase orders.

Jun 01, 2012 16:45

Most customers use quartz or some of other type of service to periodically delete old carts after a certain number of days.


OrderSearchParameters parameters = new OrderSearchParameters();

parameters.SqlMetaWhereClause = String.Format("META.Modified < '{0}''", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-60).ToUniversalTime().ToString("s"));

OrderSearchOptions options = new OrderSearchOptions();

int records = 0;

Cart[] expiredCarts = OrderContext.FindCarts(parameters, options, out records);


Edited, Jun 04, 2012 20:16

Many Thanks Mark!

Jun 22, 2012 12:16

Marks solution is not complete and has a typo (double single quotes - thank you episerver support for this one), and the example will not work for R2 SP2. And this thread is still number 1 on google when you search for this topic.

Here is the correct solution:

var parameters = new OrderSearchParameters
    SqlMetaWhereClause =
        String.Format("META.Modified < '{0}'"DateTime.Now.Subtract(_ageToDelete).ToUniversalTime().ToString("s"))
var searchOptions = new OrderSearchOptions {RecordsToRetrieve = _collectionSizeCacheResults = false};
int records;
var cartToCleanUp = _orderContext.FindCarts(parameterssearchOptionsout records);


Apr 10, 2014 12:14
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