Add additional property to Warehouse model.


I have several questions about extending of warehouse functionality. I can't found any information about this in documentation.
Can i add custom property for Warehouse? If can, what solution you can propose. Or i need to create my own repository and use other table and data model?

Feb 07, 2014 12:11


Warehouses are not meta objects like catalog nodes/catalog entries, so if you want to extend Warehouses, you must create your own implemetation of IWarehouseRepository and IWarehouseRepositoryService. This can be done in 7.5, more information can be found here:



Feb 07, 2014 14:00

IWarehouseRepositoryService or IWarehouseInventoryService? And what about Commerce Manager? I didn't found any way to inject my custom realization to commerce manager.

Feb 10, 2014 10:11


Commerce Manager does not support extend warehouse by yourself. You can still extend the funtionality (APIs) by overriding the two interfaces I mentioned, then register it by your initialization module.



Edited, Feb 11, 2014 2:56
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