Change product images storage from SqlBlobStorageProvider to PublicDiskBlobStorageProvider




I'm working with a client using InRiver PIM 4 and EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 which have their product images stored in the Commerce Manager database using the SqlBlobStorageProvider. Now we want to change this to use the PublicDiskBlobStorageProvider to avoid storing all product images as blobs in the SQL Server database. 

I've changed the blobConfiguration/storageProvider/defaultProvider to PublicDiskBlobStorageProvider and set the basePath in both the Configs/baf.config and InRiverEpiExporter.exe.config. Then I deleted all catalogs from the Commerce Manager web application and did a full import from InRiver PIM but still the images does not show up in the specified folder.

Is there any other configuration that I need to change for the EPiCommerce Connector to work as I want?




May 08, 2014 16:25


There was one more thing to change, under the CommerceFramework/AssetManagement/FolderProviders element there must be a matching add-element for the PublicDiskBlobStoraageProvider with the correct path as a attribute.


<add path="\Root\inRiver Resources\*">

  <add storageProvider="PublicDiskBlobStorageProvider" downloadProfile="iis"/>



But one question remains, are the files in the Configs sub folder really needed for the Connector, a lot of entries seems to be duplicated in the  InRiverEpiExporter.exe.config?




May 12, 2014 9:21
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