Update catalog content before publishing



I need help with version 7.5

I create new category from Commerce-Catalog-New Category. After creating of category, i change fields for all language branches(sv,no,pl).

I signed up for an event CreatedContent in Initialize method of the IInitializableModule:

ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance().CreatedContent += CreatedContent;

 private void CreatedContent(object sender, ContentEventArgs e)

      if (e.Content is MyNodeContent)

              var repository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance();
              var allBranches = repository.GetLanguageBranches(content.ContentLink).ToList();

               //... change for sv

              category = allBranches.First(c => c.Language.Name == "no");

              var categoryClone = (CategoryItemContent)category.CreateWritableClone();

               categoryClone.DisplayName = "newValue";

               repository.Save(categoryClone, SaveAction.ForceCurrentVersion, AccessLevel.NoAccess);

             //.... change for pl

When category was created, these changes display on UI in the field "Display Name". Then I first clicked on the button of publish for default language. After publish, pages was created for all language, but I don't see change on the Page for no and pl, but i see change in the field "Display Name" and the button of publish is disabled.  What is my mistake? Why was publishing without change for display name?
How configure first publishing of category for one language?


Jan 26, 2015 16:07
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