It's quite clear that you have a faulty module registration. It should belong to Commerce module instead. What do you have in your protectedModules section in web.config?
thank you for your reply
<protectedModules rootPath="~/SPSM/manage/">
<add name="AddOn.Favorites"></add>
<add name="EPiServerCommon" resourcePath="~/EPiServerCommon/">
<add assembly="EPiServer.Common.Gadgets" />
<add assembly="EPiServer.Common.Criteria" />
<add name="Commerce">
<add assembly="EPiServer.Business.Commerce" />
<add assembly="EPiServer.Commerce.UI" />
<add name="EPiServer.Commerce.Shell" resourcePath="{rootpath}/Commerce/Shell" />
<add name="Shell" />
<add name="CMS" />
<add name="Find">
<add assembly="EPiServer.Find.Framework" />
<add assembly="EPiServer.Find.UI" />
<add assembly="EPiServer.Find.Cms" />
Have you run the Move-EPiServerProtectedModules cmdlet in the package manager console?
Yes. It has been around for a long time but since Commerce 8.11 it is a requirement. There is a note in the package readme but maybe it didn't pop up as it should.
ok, but now im getting other error
Unable to find a module by assembly 'EPiServer.Commerce.AddOns.Manager, Version=2.0.926.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
Parameter name: moduleAssembly
i can see it is located under \modules\_protected\EPiServer.Commerce.AddOns.Manager
but somehow is not getting loaded.. did i miss something?
It could be an assembly binding issue that is hidden. Anyway, it looks like you still have the old site-owner addon. Please try to install the EPiServer.Commerce.UI.ManagerIntegration nuget package and see if that works.
ok i got different error now after running managerintegration
same same but different :S
Another customer had same issue with EPiServer.Commerce.Shell.ManagerIntegration and the solution was to run Move-EPiServerProtectedModules
no lyck..
I have run the Move-EPiServerProtectedModules
it added the line i web.config and also deleted the modules folder from appdata
still getting this error when trying to log in to edti mode
where should this file be located?
I have it in my bin already, when i delete it from my bin i can enter online center but can´t do anything and get
"NetworkError: 404 File not found - http://spsm.local/hittalaromedel/SPSM/manage/Shell/"
The EPiServer.Commerce.AddOns.Manager file is no longer needed. It is replaced by the EPiServer.Commerce.Shell.ManagerIntegration which should be in your bin-folder after you installed the package and recompiled. You should also have another entry in your protectedModules config. How does your virtual path provider configuration look (section episerver.framework / EPiServerFramework.config)?
aha ok, well what happends when i install this package is im getting the error:
"Unable to find a module by assembly 'EPiServer.Commerce.Shell.ManagerIntegration, Version="
Which entrys should i have in my modules config and EPiServerFramework.config?
Maybe thats the missing part
I think your protectedModules section looked correct, but you should have another entry now that you installed the ManagerIntegrationPackage:
<add name="EPiServer.Commerce.Shell.ManagerIntegration" resourcePath="{rootpath}/Commerce/Manager" />
Your virtual path configuration shouldn't contain any references to commerce, but something similar to:
<add name="ProtectedAddons" virtualPath="~/EPiServer/" physicalPath="modules\_protected" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
Note: The virtualPath of the VPP should match what you have as rootPath for protectedModules.
That helped alot.
add name="ProtectedAddons" virtualPath="~/EPiServer/" physicalPath="modules\_protected" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" was not quite right in my solution... physicalPath="[appdata]\_protected" after changing it to physicalPath="modules\_protected" ;it works better!
After upgrade to commerce 8.11 the commerce catalogue is missing and i get this error
anybody have idea?