Problem with inconsistent VersionStatus



We're running CMS 9.12.2 and Commerce 9.23.0.

When the app pool is recycled, the version status of some content is set to EPiServer.Core.VersionStatus.CheckedOut. It occurs only to language branches different from master language and never to variants. Only types inheriting from NodeContent or ProductContent. It can happen to 1 item or many items.

It seems total random and sometimes no content gets in this state after recycle. I've experienced this in my local dev environemnt, our test azure environment and more severe, our azure production environement.  

Not totally sure if this is the correct location to look, but table ecfVersion in commerce database states that the content only have versions with status 4 = Published or 5 = Previously Published, no one with status 2 = Checked Out.

I suppose this has something to do with the cached version of the content, since the content get the correct status after another app pool recycle. 

var contentLink = ReferenceConverter.GetContentLink("my_code_1");
var theLanguage = CultureInfo.GetCulture("languageName");
var wrongVersionContent = ContentLoader.Get(contentLink, theLanguage);
var publishedVersion = VersionRepository.LoadPublished(contentLink, theLanguage);
var correctVersionContent = ContentLoader.Get(publishedVersion, theLanguage);
wrongVersionContent.Status == EPiServer.Core.VersionStatus.CheckOut // This is true
correctVersionContent.Status == EPiServer.Core.VersionStatus.Published // This is true 
wrongVersionContent.Status != correctVersionContent.Status // Unfortunately this is also true

This makes our site behave totally wrong since content that is published doesn't appear.

The Catalog Edit IU is also wrong about the status since the "pen" appears on the content items in the catalog tree for the content with the wrong status, just like it should for content with status = CheckedOut. Normally when editing content wiht status = CheckedOut the "Publish" appears up in the "options" dropdown, but not for this content. Also the Versions gadget is showing the correct versions accordning to the database.

Anyone expericned the same thing or have any suggestions what to do?

Nov 11, 2016 9:07
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