Integration with EPi Find and EPi Commerce 8.x


The documentation regarding the EPi Find configuration for Commerce 9 is a bit more extensive than for Commerce 8;

vs and

Is the EPi Find possiblities in Commerce 8 as extensive as the documentation for Commerce 9 indicates? I wondered if the documentation for Commerce 8 maybe just lagged a bit behind, but that the functionality is the same regarding the EPi Find integration?

// Regards, Torbjörn

Feb 02, 2016 8:57


If you are using 8.16+, you can use most of features provided by Find.Commerce in the link.

Note that Find.Commerce is a "wrapper" of Find for Commerce, it does not entirely replace the SearchProvider system, especially if you're using Commerce Manager. You can use it to have powerful filters and search in the front-end, thought.



Feb 02, 2016 11:07


Since you write that "you can use most of features provided by Find.Commerce in the link", I wonder if there is a list of which features that isn't supported. I'm trying to figure out if an upgrade of Commerce is needed for our customer, who wishes to start using Find instead of Solr35.

// Regards, Torbjörn

Feb 11, 2016 9:25


I think you are thinking it backward. In latest versions of FindCommerce (which is compatible with Commerce9+), we added new features than the version which was released in Commerce8+. The link you posted was for Commerce9. 

The new features for each version were mentioned here:


Feb 11, 2016 10:16
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