A few questions about the Discounts/Promotions egine


I'm using Episerver version, and the "new" promotions engine / discounts:

1.  Is it possible to "hide" some of the built-in Discount types so that they don't show up as choices in commerce manager (Marketing)?

I know that they are "Content" in episerver.  But when I view their Content settings in CMS->Admin->ContentType, I cannot uncheck "Available in edit view".

2.  What database table holds the data for Campains & Discounts that I set up in commerce manager?

Thanks so much for any help!

 - Ken

Edited, Jul 28, 2016 16:16


First, if you are planning to use the promotion system in a production site I strongly suggest you upgrade to the latest version, 9.19 or later, where the promotion system is out of beta. There are quite significant improvements compared to 9.11.

As for your questions:

1. IIRC this feature will soon be released, probably in version 9.20 or 9.21.

2. The campaigns and promotions are using de default content provider, i.e. the same one as CMS uses by default for storing pages and blocks. The main tables involved are tblContent and tblContentProperty. Please note that any direct manipulation of data in the epi database schemas, or the schemas themselves (i.e. not using the APIs) voids support for any problems that you may encounter.

Edit: I misread the second question. The campaigns and promotions created in commerce manager (the old promotion system) are stored in the Campaign and Promotion tables in the commerce database.

Edited, Jul 28, 2016 18:20

I don't think you misread it Magnus Rahl, he said already in the first question commerce manager and referred to the new Marketing function.

So your first answer on the second question was the right one, they are found in the cms content tables.

Jul 29, 2016 12:49

For future posts Ken D, don't say "Commerce Manager" unless you mean [/AMEPiServer/Commerce/Commerce Manager], all of us that have worked long with episerver commerce are far to familiar with that to not jump in there as soon as we see commerce manager mentioned. :D

Jul 29, 2016 12:52

Ah, thanks Magnus & Erik!

Ya, I'm very new to Episerver.  Actually I may have mispoken - I believe we are now up to version 9.19 (but I noticed we are still referencing some dlls that say version 9.11 though... maybe they're old/obsolete now?).

Oooops, yes, I should not call the "Marketing" section "commerce manager".  My mistake - thanks for the clarification!

 - Ken

Jul 29, 2016 23:44
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