How do I switch on the sidebar search in the Commerce Catalog?


I want to enable the search sidebar in the commerce catalog UI, similar to the search in the CMS editor screen so that users can navigate the catalog.

I have used nuget to install the latest Episerver.Search, and updated the Commerce Manager web.config service baseUri to be the commerce url on my IIS "company.commerce".

I have also tried the company.commerce/EPiServer/CMS/Admin/IndexContent.aspx to index the site, successfully, as well as the commerce manager > admin > rebuild site index, seemingly successfully, but when I search for an item in the catalog I get "content not found". I can see in the developer console network tab the following data being sent:







Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? 



Jan 26, 2017 17:07

For catalog content, the EPiServer.Search parts are not used at all. Instead, the UI search is powered by the search provider you have configured for commerce, that is the index you rebuild in commerce manager. The default commerce search provider, Lucene, uses a file based index. Commerce manager and your frontend site implementation are different sites that live in different directories, but have to be configured to have a shared location for the Lucene index for this to work. Check your Mediachase.Search config section (usually in config/Mediachase.Search.config).

Jan 27, 2017 7:56
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