Getting SerializableCart modified date [Episerver Commerce 10.2.2]



I'm trying to get modified date of SerializableCart - the one that is stored in SerializableCart table in DB. I use IOrderRepository.Load(Guid, name) method to get a cart. Created and Modified properties of SerializableCart always have equal value that seems to be the time when C# object was created and not when the cart was modified. How can I get cart's modified date then?

Mar 15, 2017 15:59

That's very strange. The Modified should be updated/loaded correctly. Can you check if the date was saved correctly in the database (Utc time)?

I would also suggest to upgrade to at least 10.3 as it fixes a problem as the loaded Modified was not set to Utc time kind 

Mar 15, 2017 17:18

In the database the dates are saved correctly in UTC time. Created and Modified fields contain proper dates, and they appear to be correct in JSON in Data field.

Example values:

Created: 2017-03-16 07:51:05.783

Modified: 2017-03-16 07:51:05.790

Data: {"id":333,"created":"2017-03-16T07:51:05.7821759Z", ... ,"modified":"2017-03-16T07:51:05.7911847Z", ... }


Mar 16, 2017 9:11

Upgrading to version 10.3 resolves this issue. Thanks.

Mar 16, 2017 9:48
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