Shared shopping cart


On our commerce site we want all users working for the same company to share the same shopping carts.

In our current solution, every cart is connected to exactly one user, which I guess is the normal case.

Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Cart cart = OrderContext.Current.GetCart(cartName,

var lineItems = cart.OrderForms[0].LineItems;

So instead of a user shopping cart I need a company shopping cart. Is this possible?

Edited, Apr 05, 2017 16:35


To use a shared cart, you can define an unique cart name for the company, like "Epi:ShoppingCart", then all users are using that name for shopping carts action.

Apr 07, 2017 4:52
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.