Shipping Discount Logic Not Clear



I am using Episerver Commerce  Marketing discount from Quick Silver .

Here from marketing i have created a shipping discount of type

Buy at least X items from categories/entries and receive a discount off selected shipping methods.

Discount amount is 10 %

I have created an order with two (2) Shipments.

One shipment has applied 10% discount but other has no effect.

Is there any specific reason of that?

Please clear the shipping discount logic if there any hidden portion there.

May 05, 2017 12:31

There is a concept of "redemption", which can be used to limit the number of time a promotion is applied per user/per order/totally. The promotion you are using has the default redemption limit per order is 1. This is the default setting for many (but not all) builtin promotions.

If you would like to have it applied more than 1 per order, you'll have to create something on your own. 

May 05, 2017 13:09

That means if i am using multishipment and there are more than one Shipment and if there will be 2 shipping methods 

1)7.10 Express Post  Cost 

2)6.95 Standard Post Cost

and if the shipping discount is 10 %

then by default will it give .71 as discount ???

Am i right ?

May 08, 2017 7:22

The general rule for builtin promotions is they will give the best discounts to the customers. Without looking at the code, I'd say, yes, it should give 0.71 as discount.

May 08, 2017 10:52

Can you not override the default value of redemption in a pre publish event so it could be used out of the box.

May 08, 2017 19:04
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.