Quicksilver (Commerce v.11) targeting Episerver.Find (v12)



I am trying to change the search index of the "EPiServer.Reference.Commerce.Site"-project in Quicksilver to target Episerver.Find.


Latest quicksilver version: https://github.com/episerver/Quicksilver

Commerce v.11.0
Episerver v.10.10
Episerver.Find v.
Episerver.Find.Commerce v.10.0 (to fill the Find-index with data from Commerce)

Issue/goal: Getting custom Field from the Index, that is not directly on the model I am searching with, but the value from the custom Field should be set to some property/field on the model.

What I have done:
1) Downloaded and unzipped the QuickSilver application and initialized it, so it ran perfectly with the default search provider and indexer.

2) Installed Episerver.Find and Episerver.Find.Commerce

3) Created a Episerver.Find demo index (https://find.episerver.com/)

4) Added required Find-configurations to the web.config (serviceUrl and defaultIndex)

5) Logged in as admin@example.com > Edit mode > Admin > ran the "EPiServer Find Content Indexing Job

6) Checked the index through the "Find Explorer" (http://localhost:50244/episerver/Find/#overview/explore)

The index looks good. IContent from Commece is within the Find Index, so Episerver.Find.Commerce has done its job.

For instance, a FahsionProduct-object contains these Fields inside the index (they are not properties on the Model itself, nor any inherited property...):

7) Now I thought I would just add a property on the Model I am searching with, and I would get these values from the Find.Index...

Public Virtual string ThumbnailUrl {get;set;}
Public Virtual string ThumbnailUrl { get; }
Public readonly string ThubnailUrl;

The fields/properties are always null, never filled with the value from the Index (same goes for DefaultImageUrl)...

Edit: Not sure if this is related to Commerce or Find, or both... Will create a sample console application with Find only...

Best regards 


Edited, Aug 19, 2017 20:40

Solved by initializing EpiFind as such:

                .IncludeField(x => x.ThumbnailUrl(), (x, v) => x.SetThumbnailUrl(v));
Edited, Aug 19, 2017 21:02
<p>Did you do some sort of changes to Mediachase.Search.config files too? I'm having difficulties to get Quicksilver search to use the Find.</p> <p></p> <p>Br,</p> <p>Keijo</p>
Oct 06, 2017 15:34
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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