UIHint.CatalogNode results in blank properties window in CMS



In a commerce website I'm using a content reference on my "HomePage" content type that to links to a content node in the commerce catalog.

The property looks like this:

[Display(Name = "Product Catalog Root Node", GroupName = Global.GroupNames.SiteSettings, Order = 151)]
public virtual ContentReference ProductCatalogRootLink { get; set; }

This property was working perfectly for version cms 10 and commerce 11, but after I upgraded the solution to version cms 11.9.0 and Commerce it stopped working. I noticed the pages that use this content type HomePage are no longer rendering the "All Properies" view in episerver CMS (Editing mode). It is left blank. The rendering of the page on the frontend is still works as it was.

There is no error in the logs that helps finding a solution to this issue, other than the log trace than i added below:

Only when I remove the UIHintAttribute from the property the cms part starts working again and I am able to edit the properties. But obviously, I can't select a catalog content node for my field because it uses the default cms content selector to render the control.

So for some reason the [UIHint(UIHint.CatalogNode)] attribute is preventing the cms editor to render the all properties view in CMS editing mode.

Im not entirely sure, but I think it has something to do with the packaging.UI package and/or the virtualPath settings..  but then again they did nog change after the upgrade...

Also the upgrade of the packages was done correctly as fas as i can see and the database update was performed successfully.

Please help,




Edited, Jun 21, 2018 9:50

Does it work if you have something else, AllContent or Entry, instead of CatalogNode UIHint?

Jun 21, 2018 10:52

Hi Quan,

Thanks for your reply,

No, I have the same issue if I use any other catalog related UIHint. e.g. I tried the UIHint.CatalogEntry and CatalogContent and had the same issue. I did not try the AllCOntent, but just did. this seems to work! so AllContent does solve the issue, but still, CatalogNode should also work right?

Just thought of something els. the code also implements a custom router (HierarchicalCatalogPartialRouter) could this be interfering with the UIHints?



Edited, Jun 21, 2018 11:27

AllContent should display all cms content AND catalog content so you probably see it, but it might not be working properly. I'll check in our default installation to see if I can reproduce the problem. If I can then we will fix it, but if not then you would have to contact our developer support service for further assistance :) 

Jun 21, 2018 11:30
<p>Thnx.&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <p>Pierre</p>
Jun 21, 2018 11:32

Works fine for me 

Jun 21, 2018 11:37

I didn't expect anything else. :)

It was working before the upgrade for me as well. I expect it is some config.. or code that is interfering with the UIHint. I'll investigate further and update this thread if I find a cause.

thnx Quan! for your help.



Jun 21, 2018 13:52

Was there any resolution on this? I'm seeing the same issue when trying to use [UIHint(EPiserver.Commerce.UIHint.CatalogContent)]

Feb 07, 2020 18:18
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