Commerce ServiceApi - Unable to update orgnanization



I setup the ServiceApi for commerce in order to maintain customer (Organization/Contact) using the endpoint described here Customers' endpoints.

Reading customers works perfect but when trying to write, I face the following issues:

  • If I GET an organization, update the address (or any other fields) then POST it back, I get HTTP 201 (Created) which seems fine but when I read it back, nothing has been updated.
  • If I GET an organization, replace its PrimaryKeyId with a new GUID then POST it BACK, I get HTTP 201 but this time a new Organization is created as expected but none of its properties are set (expect the PrimaryKeyId).
  • If I do a request PUT instead of POST I get HTTP 405 (Method not allowed).

Any clue on what's going wrong ?

On a side note, I find it confusing that I have to use my own Address and Organization classes to have a deserialization working. Why does the Mediachase.Commerce.Customers.Organization and Mediachase.Commerce.Customers.CustomerAddress can be used instead.



Aug 14, 2018 15:55

Re your second question - try to deserialize those classes and you'll see why. They are complicated and contains unnecessary information that does not fit for ServiceAPI serialization/deserialization.

Re your first question - updating organization is now limited to OrganizationType and OrgCustomerGroup. The other properties are planned to be supported in the future. Perhaps we should be more clear about it. 

Aug 15, 2018 9:47

I just published a blog post of some code I wrote for a couple of other partners if you need to be able to update other properties

Aug 15, 2018 21:06

Thanks guys.

Aug 24, 2018 15:47
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.