Place orders using 2 different payment methods at same time


Hello good people,

We have a requirment of being able to checkout using 2 different credit cards where customer can set the amount to pay with each card.

I wonder if anyone had such a requirement before and what is the best way to achieve it in EPiServer?

I can think of too many scenarios that will need to be handled such as:

What if first tracnsaction passed and the other failed?

What if the admin decided to cancel the order from Commerce Manager and refund the customer?


Sep 06, 2018 0:13

It is a bit "Strange" - Commerce supports multiple payments but the most common scenario is when you use gift card + other payment methods, not two same payment methods. But it's just a matter of implementation because the framework does not really care the payment implementation detail, as long as it can call the payment gateway to capture/authorize the payments.

In your case the workflow would look like this:

  • Add two payments with specified amount to the order form
  • My memory is a bit rusty now but the calculators/workflows will only care about the "not authorized" payments. So if you are purchasing an order of $500, and with two payments $200 and $300, and the $300 is authorized but $200 is not then you can try again (either with same payment or replace it with new payment). If I am wrong here then you can modify the workflows quite easily.
  • The default cart payment ( will just refund the payments if the order is cancelled (though I am not so sure). But, you can always implement your own payment gateway to handle the refund, as long as the gateway allows it.
Sep 06, 2018 7:28

Man, I know it is a strange one but the client likes it for a reason!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Quan. I understand that it depends on our implmentation plan but were just looking for best practices if anyone had same requirement before.

Sep 07, 2018 22:54
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