Advice for packages with optional variants


I want to let buyers configure their own package. 

The package can by default contain variant A, B and C, but the user should be allowed to swap C with D.

Can this be solved by extending PackageContent, BundleContent or SalesCampaign?

Borrowed the example by K Khan to show a package with one expensive option selected, causing the total price to increase:

Computer package (cheapest price $299)

Motherboard cheap option: $100
Motherboard expensive option: $200

Ram cheap option: $50
Ram expensive option: $150

Monitor: $200

Total package price: $299 + ($150 - $50) = $399

Edited, Oct 24, 2019 18:03

I believe you can achieve this functionality with Promotions & Campaigns.

Package is bundle of products with single SKU. You can not pick & choose content of package. I think the concept is similar to gift packages on shops, they are wrapped and have a single price. 

Oct 30, 2019 18:40
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