Trying to retrieve the xml feed exported by "Export Product Feed" throws error


Trying to download the feed exorted by "Export Product Job" to debugg the issue in perform personalisation. 

<our site>/episerverapi/downloadcatalogfeed with admin creds getting this below error. Even though we check it right after running the job. We are on lattest versions of epi cms and commerce.

There is no product feed available. Try run the scheduled job first.
Dec 14, 2020 19:20


The perform feed doesn't use admin creds, but tokens.

I would recommend installing David Knipe's PerformFeedStatus (its a nuget package on the epi nuget feed)

you can read more about it here:

Dec 14, 2020 21:52

I installed the nuget package for the 'Perform Feed Status" job, and have the redirect mentioned in the web.config.

But when I try to access this feed from admin I get 404 error. I see that I have the FeedStatus.cshtml file in the modules folder. What am i missing?

Dec 15, 2020 1:43

"The perform feed doesn't use admin creds, but tokens." that iss not entirely true. it only uses token for the "callback" from recommendations. When you access downloadcatalogfeed it checks for admin previlleges, and get the latest exported file based on token.

@Sapra: did you contact developer support for this? 

Dec 15, 2020 10:25
Sebastian Enberget - Dec 15, 2020 12:04
Aha, I will admit that I never tried it out as I always just installed that tool from David to download the feed as that was the easiest. Good to know though :)
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