Not all shipping methods for markets pulling into Shipping Discounts


I have an odd issue. For shipping discounts I don't see all of the shipping methods I would expect for all the markets that they exist for. For instance, I have a shipping method with the name FedExExpressSaver and friendly name of Express. It exists with that same name under both English and English (Canada) in Commerce Manager, but it has different IDs in both of course as a result of living under two different translations.

  • FedExExpressSaver under English (Canada) has an ID of f5b4c2bf-133b-4194-928b-968647e5711d
  • FedExExpressSaver under English has an ID of 5ab42617-5482-4f4d-a94c-a52c03919a4b

In English this shipping method is assigned to the U.S. market, and in English (Canada) it is assigned to the Canada market. When I create/edit a shipping discount such as Buy Products for Free Shipping. I only see an option for Express (Markets: US). I expect to see a completely separate shipping method (since they have different IDs due to existing under different translations) with the display value Express (Markets: CA).

Why doesn't the shipping method that lives under English (Canada) show up on my shipping discounts? I believe the issue lies solely with the shipping method under English (Canada). Screenshots of this setup below along with what is displaying for shipping methods on discounts.

Aug 25, 2020 20:58
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