Customize commerce UI to contain more information


I'm wondering if there is a way to add more information to the commerce UI.

One need would be that on the Inventory View (not edit) to have more data not just a field Quantity for each inventory location.

We're thinking that maybe have a new field for Preoder/Backoder and for Additional Quantity. Or if possible maybe even create a new tab with some custom code.

Note that this is on an older commerce version, but if a solution is good for a newer one that is fine too. Until now I only found some custom dojo from scratch, but that looks way too complicated for just adding a new field to a table. Maybe is there a way to extend the current dojo files for the inventory, but I'm not sure if where too look or even if it's possible.

Feb 03, 2021 15:00

Sergiu - you can certainly create a new tab and Add custom tool/report to show your desired information. I do not think you can change the existing catalogue view.

Feb 03, 2021 18:50
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