Delete language versions


According to this forum conversation, language versions of commerce content cannot be deleted:*1ublwyc*_ga*MTUwNjQ3NzcxNi4xNjIzODQ2NDUy*_ga_C7SLJ6HMJ5*MTY0NDU4MDc2MS4xMjkuMS4xNjQ0NTgxODI5LjM4#231006

But surely there must be some way around this? A client wishes to disable 4 obsolete languages and we have disabled them in Admin and on the catalog but they still appear in the Catalog manager.

How can we get rid of them completely?

Feb 11, 2022 12:19

If you unselected the languages from the Catalog, they should be hidden from the product editing view. 

Feb 11, 2022 14:15

Thanks, but they will not be deleted from the database?

Feb 11, 2022 14:16

No, if I remember correctly, they are not deleted. 

Feb 11, 2022 14:25

And there is no way of removing that content? I dont really like the idea of having thousands of objects in the databases that's not used or surfaced anywhere, just because there is no way of cleaning it away?

Feb 11, 2022 14:28

In theory there are. The dirty way would be delete them from directly from database. The less dirty way is to export the catalog, delete it, then re-import (but you then lost non published versions).

I will have to check to see if there is a better way, if only I have time :)

Feb 11, 2022 14:30

Would be super helpful Quan, thanks.

Feb 14, 2022 8:37

Would be super helpful Quan, thanks.

Feb 14, 2022 8:37

Hello! I ran into the same issue :D
Any updates on this topic?

Nov 22, 2022 12:01

Unfortunately no, I haven't had time to look into that, as usual I got carried away by my other works 

Nov 22, 2022 12:29
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