Problem with Data Provider SQL in EPiFields - skips first row in results

I've been testing EPiServer 4.40 and EPiFields. When using the Data Provider SQL, and writing SQL statements in the file EPiServerFieldsSQL.config, I noticed that the first row of the results was not returned. For example, writing SELECT * from a table that has 4 rows will only return rows 2-4. Has anyone had a similar problem?
Jan 27, 2005 16:39
That is correct, it is a bug in the file \WebRoot\EPiServer.Fields\Integration\DataProviderSQL.cs located in the base samples. To correct this bug change the line 105 from: for(int i = 1; i < inTable.Rows.Count ; i++) to for(int i = 0; i < inTable.Rows.Count ; i++) and rebuild your base sample assembly. (This will be corrected in the next version of EPiFields)
Jan 28, 2005 14:44
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