Extend page definition in code

Hi I want to add some extra PageReference properties in the DataFactory SavingPage event (code below). The property appears on the edit page but with no value. Any suggestions why not? Is it not OK to set the value like this; currentPage.Property.Add(FOLDER_REF_PROP_NAME + i.ToString(), new PropertyPageReference(new PageReference(_pageId))); ??? Thomas, Gazette // extend PageType EPiServer.DataAbstraction.PageType _pageType = EPiServer.DataAbstraction.PageType.Load(currentPage.PageTypeID); EPiServer.DataAbstraction.PageDefinition _propDef = new PageDefinition(); _propDef.PageTypeID = currentPage.PageTypeID; _propDef.Name = FOLDER_REF_PROP_NAME + i.ToString(); _propDef.EditCaption = FOLDER_REF_PROP_NAME + i.ToString(); _propDef.HelpText = "some help msg ..."; _propDef.DefaultValueType = EPiServer.DataAbstraction.DefaultValueType.None; _propDef.DefaultValue = ""; _propDef.Type = EPiServer.DataAbstraction.PageDefinitionType.Load(4); // 4 = PageReference _propDef.ID = 0; // 0 to create new _propDef.Searchable = false; _propDef.Tab = EPiServer.DataAbstraction.TabDefinition.Load("my tab caption"); try { _propDef.Save(); _pageType.Definitions.Add(_propDef); _pageType.Save(); EPiServer.DataAbstraction.PageType.ClearCache(); } catch (Exception eExp) { // propably property already exists - OK string message = eExp.Message; } currentPage.Property.Add(FOLDER_REF_PROP_NAME + i.ToString(), new PropertyPageReference(new PageReference(_pageId)));
Oct 07, 2005 0:00
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