SpiderSupport og sub-applikasjoner til EPiServer i IIS

Jeg har et problem med SpiderSupport. Når jeg oppretter en .Net-applikasjon som kjører i en VirtualDirectory under min EpiServer-site så feiler den eksterne applikasjonen. Feilmelding jeg får henviser til SpiderSupport i EPiServers web.config. Hvordan kan jeg kjøre .Net-applikasjoner i VirtualDirectory under EpiServer uten å få dette problemet? Mvh, Frank Langva
Nov 17, 2005 14:28
Your problem is that the application in the VirtualDirectory also want's to start the HTTPModule "SpiderSupport" again because it's already started at a lower lever (RootWeb). 2 options. 1. Stop the HTTPmodules in the RootWeb by disable them in web.config at that level. 2. Disable in VirtualDirectory, may cause other problems though. /HAXEN
Nov 21, 2005 9:51
Do not disable the httpmodules :-) Running your site this way is afaik not supported, but there is hope. You can use the remove tag (instead of add) to remove a httpmodule, but as you can see from this blog, it is not that easy: http://odetocode.com/Blogs/scott/archive/2004/01/07/145.aspx But, it should be possible, if you copy the assemblies referenced as httpmodules to the bin directory below the virtual directory. /Steve
Nov 21, 2005 13:27
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