Export to Excel-function: can this be reused?

I'm writing an application where I'll be needing functionality like the one in Export to Excel used in Forms page. I have this table and on each row I want to place a button performing something like "Export this row to Excel". Everytime I click on this button I want to export the contents to a Excel spreadsheet. Does anybode have experience in using the built in Excel-functionality in EPiServer? Can it be used? Thanks in advance!
Sep 13, 2005 14:30
Hi Frank! Sorry, but the "Export to Excel"-tool can only be used to export the htmltable as a whole to Excel, not individual rows/columns/cells. We might look into extending the component in the future, I'll add your request to the wishlist. Regards Johan Olofsson
Sep 16, 2005 19:45
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