Reading EpiServer properties with javascript

Hello all, I am trying to create an image control written in javascript. I need this control to read urls for images to be used and display them. However, these images will be added using EpiServer (custom) properties. Is there a way to do this, or perhaps I am approaching this problem incorrectly...? many thanks
Jul 05, 2006 11:05
Depends on your control. You say it is in javascript, so I assume it is client side script. You need some way to provide the urls to the script, I guess. On the server, you know the urls, so I suggest you prepare some javascript on the server, with the urls in it (adding to an array or something) and send this to the client. Of course, you could do some fancy AJAX like coding to retrieve the different urls directly from the server, but I doubt this is what you want to do. If I've misunderstood your question, please try to explain the problem you're trying so solve with a few more details. /Steve
Jul 05, 2006 17:07
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