
Hi! I'm working on a page with a ContentFrameworkSelector and two frameworks inside it, let's say their ID's are "framework1" and "framework2". I would like to select one of there frameworks depending on a querystring. How do I set the framework to be used in runtime from the code behind file? Is there any good description anywhere on how the ContentFrameworkSelector works? I didn't find very much in the SDK and the section about this class in the "Developing Solutions..." book. Thanks! / Chris
Sep 14, 2006 10:12
The ContentFrameworkSelector already handles switching of the selected framework based on a querystring value. For example if you had something like the following: Then you all you need to do is specify the mode in the querystring. In this example you would append "mode=RSSMode" to the querystring, where the value needs to match the id of the framework. Specifying no mode will use the defined default.
Sep 14, 2006 23:13
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