Any good solution for listing related page / links / documents?

In EPiServer 4.x you have the MultipPage Property found at Code resort. But this is not compatible with EPi CMS 5. Does anyone have a good solution for relating multiple page / links / documents to a EPiServer page? It's not a good solution craeting 9 properties of the type 'URL to page/external address' in addition creating 9 more text boxes to label these links. Scenario ---------- I have a page and I want to share some links and some docuemnts. I want these links and documents to be listed in my right margin under the labels 'Related links' and 'Related documents'. I do not want to create these links as a part of my text in the MainIntro or MainBody.
Nov 22, 2007 13:46
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.