Skype Integration and the Dollar Sign

Hi Guys, I have been plugging the Skype Integration ( into a site of ours and all was going well, until you try to enter special characters in the chat messages. Certain non-legal (in XML) characters broke the setup - I was able to overcome this by adding some stricter encoding etc. However, I am still getting a problem with the dollar ($) sign. Messages from the Visitor to the Helpdesk (for want of a better name) that contain dollars are fine. But messages from the Helpdesk back to the Visitor are mangled, in the case when the message contains at least one dollar. The extent of the mangling is that the message is lost, past (and including) the first position of a dollar sign in the message. E.G. hello$hello ---> hello h$ello ---> h $hello ---> (empty string) I have narrowed it down to the SkypeClient.GetChatMessageBody(...) method, and can't go any further as the code for the SkypeClient type is not available. Has anybody else implemented the Skype Integration? If so have you seen the above behaviour, or would it be possible to give it a quick test to see if the behaviour can be re-produced? We have managed to re-produce it on another machine, but obviously the more cases the better. Cheers for any help, Rich Marriott
Mar 14, 2007 16:02
That is a bug in SkypeCommon.dll. I uploaded a new version on . you can download it here. . You need update skypecommon.dll in bin/ and \SkypeService . Hope this will help.
Mar 16, 2007 11:33
Hi Ruwen, Cheers for that fix, it worked a treat. We made a few alterations to the code for the Skype integration as it seemed to break on quite a few "special characters". Would you like a copy of the code to have a look at to see the issues that were fixed? It's the least we can do after you offered the dollar sign fix. Cheers, Rich
Mar 29, 2007 11:35
Can you please send me the code how to integrate episerver with Skype. Thankyou, M.Sreekanth
Feb 06, 2008 13:10
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