Create thumbnail

Is there any way to create a thumbnail of the image when i use the property URL to image? /Fredrik
May 15, 2007 17:55
See for some example code.
May 16, 2007 0:06
hm.. ok, Thanks. But, that script does genereate the thumbnail on the fly- when i visit the page, right? Because i wanna generate a image just after the image has been uploaded in edit-mode... Isnt there any way i can hook up on a event just after the image has been uploaded, or something? And by the way, im using EPiServer CMS 5. Maybe this should have been posted in the other forum..
May 16, 2007 15:50
Ah, yes, there are file system events i EPiServer CMS, which you can use. (These are not present in 4.x.) The EPiServer CMS forum is located on /Steve
May 16, 2007 19:31
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