Change password at first login or every month

Is there functionality to make users change password at first login or change oassword every month?
Nov 19, 2008 13:32


As there are no fitting events to subscribe to when a user log on (that I know of), I guess you'd have to put your code in your templates, and redirect the user to a change password page if the password is too old.

You could add a property to the user profile to store when the password was last changed and redirect based upon that value. If you put this code in your master page you'd force the users to change password since they wouldn't be able to usse the site if they don't.

I'd be rather annoyed  by such a solution though :].

Nov 20, 2008 10:18
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.