Login page when SearchDataSource get page with no access rights

We are upgrading to CMS from 4.62 and we now are using the Episerver web control SearchDataSource for the search facility (before we used PageSearch) When I test my search page I sometimes get the login page depending on my search words. I found out that the login page comes up when the result set includes a page that is protected from "everyone" via access rights. If I am authenticated the PageList will show all the results as usual. This was no problem in the code with the old PageSearch?! I think PageSearch automatically excluded all pages that was not accessible by the current user? Or am I wrong? I have just changed the code a little bit to get the SearchDataSource do the same job like PageSearch. Has something been changed between the two web controls? Regards
Feb 13, 2008 14:36
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.