Web Gardens


Does anyone have any experience of using Web Gardens with EPiServer?

Is it possible to configure EPiServer so that it's cache can be shared by all the worker processes in the web garden? By default the ASP.NET cache mechanism is per worker process.

 The only documentation i've found is here 


which says

"Do not use Web garden unless you know what you are doing! It will require double memory for the cache and out-of-process state-handling. If you change the number of worker processes from 1 to 2, it is like having two Web servers on the same box with IIS acting like load balancer (it is a cheap way in a development environment to test how you application will behave in a farm with load balancing). "

With only one Worker process active on our site we're getting bottle necks in IIS (1 worker process can't handle the number of requests) even though we've plenty of CPU and memory available.




Sep 03, 2008 17:44

The lack of "stickiness" makes the Webgarden alternative pretty worthless, your session/cookie/postback would not work.

 If your 1 process cannot handle the number of requests, I recommend you to have a look at the NLB cluster http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc780254.aspx

Oct 02, 2008 23:02
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