Filemanager starting point.


When opening the filemanager with javascipt is there any querystring parameter you can use to specify the starting poing?

I know there is a parameter named selectedfile, i'm looking for somthing lika "selectedfolder".

Oct 17, 2009 20:57

I've used this before:

protected string GetFileManagerBrowserPath() {  return string.Format("{0}?id={1}&parent=1&folderid={2}&browserselectionmode=file&selectedfile=", UriSupport.ResolveUrlFromUIBySettings("Edit/FileManagerBrowser.aspx"), CurrentPage.PageLink.ID, CurrentPage.Property["PageFolderID"].Value); }
Oct 18, 2009 9:06

Me to Smile.

I'm not looking to open a pagefile folder, but thanx for trying.

I would like to open/select different subfolder under ~/Documents/

Oct 18, 2009 9:52
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