Paragraph - Editor mode


I wanto to remove the tag <P> when a user press Enter in Editor mode.

I tried with EPnEditorValueOptions/ParagraphIsDiv in web.config but it doesn't work.

   <add key="EPnEditorValueOptions" value="2" />
Any suggestion ?
Oct 28, 2009 11:12

I tried:

- Admin Mode -> Config - > System Settings - > Editing - > Use DIV in Editor instead of P

But i doesn't work

Nov 19, 2009 10:59


Changing "Admin Mode -> Config - > System Settings - > Editing - > Use DIV in Editor instead of P" should make the editor use div-tags instead of p-tags when the user hits enter.

However, if the page is an old one where there already is content that uses p-tags in the editor, p-tags will still be used for that specific editor. But if you create a new page, or clear all the old content from the editor, div-tags should be used.


Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer development team

Nov 19, 2009 16:39
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