Use swf file uploader in episerver


Hi guys

I have tried to implement a swf file uploader in episerver admin section..

This controls works perfectly on standard website. But when I try to use this control in episerver admin mode I got error "IO # 2038"  followed by "http error : 404".

I figure this could be caused by swf control can not find httphandler "upload.axd".

I put upload.cs on the root directory, so in a standard website, you can access it by going to mywebsite/upload.axd

But in episerver when I try to do that I got error 404.

in web.config I have this line

add verb="Post,Get" path="upload.axd" type="upload"

I am out of ideas, any help is appreciated.


Jan 13, 2010 6:24

Problem solved; on the page that uses the flashupload I changed the UploadPage to "/upload.ashx". Also I used the episerver sdk to upload file to episerver database.

 Check out my blog for this source code of this flash uploader

This flash file uploader allows users to select multiple file and upload them to a chosen episerver folder, it has a good upload progress bar and other features.

Jan 13, 2010 23:23
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