Profile values in search/edit user in admin, possible?


Hi all,

I have extended the normal episerveruser with some profilevalues for a extranet user. The problem is, is it possible to display the profile fields and values in search/edit user in admin?

Using CMS 6 if thats any help.


Nov 04, 2010 11:13

You can create a plugin and place it in the PluginArea.SidSettingsArea (an ascx decorated with the attribute [GuiPlugIn(Description = "Edit user profile", Area = PlugInArea.SidSettingsArea, Url = "~/plugin/ProfileEditor.ascx")] etc).

I have created such a plugin that takes configuration in web.config so that you can configure what fields show up (you might want to use profile values that don't show) and how they are displayed (using different implementations of an editor interface). I might blog it later if I find the time.

Nov 04, 2010 11:36

Ok, I will blog it later today :)

Nov 04, 2010 12:18

Ok really nice, looking forward to read your blog then :)
Thanks magnus!

Nov 04, 2010 13:00
Nov 04, 2010 16:34
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.