How do you detect delayed publish


We are having great trouble with our search application trying to index published pages on our EPiServer 6 site.  The PublishedPage event is triggered when someone clicks "Save and Publish" regardless of whether there is a delayed publish or not.  We tried to hook into this event to feed our search application indexer.  There are two problems with this:

1. Because the page is not yet actually published when we get the content using http web request, in order to insert meta tags before indexing, we either get no content (because the publish date is in the future) or an old version

2. Even if we did get the content, we don't really want to index a page that isn't published yet

Is there a way to hook into the publish event for a delayed publish?  Otherwise I'm thinking of queuing up pages for indexing using a date marker to only index live pages.

Sep 24, 2010 15:11


I haven't checked CMS 6, but in CMS 5 that event didn't exists. Thought I saw a blog post a while back with a hack where the publish job got replaced, and a simular event got fired from the new job.

Sep 24, 2010 20:53
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