A bit confused about startpage id and template default.aspx


Hi all!

I have a site at home, Visual Studio 10 Express with its built in web server and database, plus Epi Server 6 R2. Just developing for fun and testing things at home.

Now. In the web.config I have specified the startpage's ID and it is working fine. The startpage uses the page template default.aspx.

Funny thing though is that I tested to specifie another page's ID as the startpage (a sub page down in the page tree), and allthough that page actually becomes the startpage it is "rendered" with default.aspx and not standardpage.aspx (which is the template set to that page's pagetype). Why? Any idea?



Sep 22, 2011 12:43

Hi Henrik,

I think you have set the Default.aspx page as Start Page by using "Set as Start Page" as a result whenever the application runs the Default.aspx page is called. Also might be the properties which are there on the start page which you have defined on web.config might be defined on the Default.aspx page as well.

That is why even though Default.aspx is not your start page The contents of  the designated start page is getting set on the Default.aspx.

I hope you understood. :p .. Might be confusing...



S.K. SreeRaghavendra


Sep 22, 2011 15:22

Sreeraghavendra SK: Thank you moost kindly for the reply.

Hmm. Where do you think this "Set as start page" is set? In what file, in what setting?

The properties you say? They differ alot between deafult.aspx with its pagetype and standardpage.aspx with its pagetype.

Yes, a little bit confusing (but I do appriciate an answer of course). It was to my understanding that you define an ID of a page in Epi to be set as startpage, you do that in webconfig. Then that page is displayed with its pagetype's pagetemplate when the visitor (me) browse to localhoost (in my case).

Sep 22, 2011 15:40

Hi Henrik,

"Set as Start Page" can be set on the Visual Studio environment's Solution Explorer, wherein you can right click on the .aspx page and click on "Set as Start page" from the Context Menu.

You are right that in EPiServer you can set startpageid in the web.config. But the start page which I have mentioned is the one which you can set via the Visual Studio development environment.

So what I meant was might be you have set the Default.aspx as the Start page by clicking on "Set as Start Page". So whenever the website starts the Default.aspx is called.

Now in Default.aspx the properties that are defined are also available in the page that you have set as EPiServer's Start page. So whatever values are set in  that page's properties are getting binded to Default.aspx page.

This is what I think as a possibility....


S.K. SreeRaghavendra



Sep 22, 2011 16:05

I havent right clicked on default.aspx and set that, and when I look it isnt checked. Also I want to mention that in the properties for my solution under the web tab there is a section called "Start action" - it is set to "Current Page".

The second thing sounds quite strange, but ok. Well, its not a big deal really, but kind of wierd.

Thank you any way!

Sep 22, 2011 17:26
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