XForms e-mail and CMS 5 R2



I'm messing around with a form that's going to send information entered in the form to a user (email) entered in the form (a textfield). I've found a method by Fredrik Vig (http://www.frederikvig.com/2009/10/sending-confirmation-email-to-the-user-when-using-episerver-xforms/). I've added the class and method to the page template... It all compiles but I don't seem to get any emails to the adress I enter in the textfield (in my form). I do however receive emails to the decided and static adress I enter while in Edit mode of the form. Are there anyone out there who has used this with CMS 5 R2 or are there other good methods? In the end I want to be able to send the information to two different adresses entered in two different formfields.  Thankful for any help!

Jan 22, 2013 15:39
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