Doh, now I feel stupid. It actually worked all along...
I had to write the entire category string in the search query to get a hit (of course). I got confused by the wild card queries for Text and Title where you dont need to write the entire title or text to get a hit (of course).
I'm currently in a project where they use EPiServer Find and unfortunately I haven't used it before so I'm kind of lost.
At the moment you can only search for pages by Text and Title:
After this code there are some filtering done aswell but that is irrelevant.
What I want to do now is to be able to get hits on the categories of the page also.
I tried something like this:
.WildCardQuery(String.Format("{0}*", query), x => x.SearchCategories()) but it want a string and not an IEnumerable. So I tried this:
.WildCardQuery(String.Format("{0}*", query), x => ConvertCategoriesToString(x.SearchCategories())). It compiles but doesn't work.
I also tried using "InField" like they do here:
but it still doesnt work with categories, only simple strings.
I think I'm not approaching this correct at all...
Some help would be very nice :)