Full Text Search GetSearchResults Only Allow Page Less Than 100


I am doing a pagination for results from a full text search. The search function I am using is:

SearchHandler.GetSearchResults(IQueryExpression queryExpression, int page, int pageSize)

I did a search witch returns 2000 results, and my page size is 10, so the total page number should be 200. However it starts to return empty search result when the page parameter passed in is larger than 100.

I doubt the users will go to pages that far, but it still makes the site appear broken. What should I do to get around the hidden page limit?

Oct 15, 2015 23:15

After futher investigation, it's not the page number is limited. I changed the page size to 5, and I can access page up to 200, but not 201 - 400. It seems that it's the result number or the offset number is limited. But I still haven't figured out how to solve this.

Oct 15, 2015 23:23

Hi Ethan,

I did some debugging using .NET Reflector.
This is the code:

var result = searchHandler.GetSearchResults(new ContentQuery<IContent>(), 101, 10);

EPiServer will make a call to IndexingService.svc, which may look like this:


If offset is > 1000, I get Bad request, if it's < 1000, I get a nicely formated XML response.

Then, I've debugged EPiServer.Search.IndexingService.IndexingService class.

There's a method protected internal virtual SyndicationFeedFormatter GetSearchResults(string q, string[] namedIndexNames, int offset, int limit) which calls

Collection<ScoreDocument> collection3 = this.GetScoreDocuments(q, true, namedIndexes, offset, limit, IndexingServiceSettings.MaxHitsForSearchResults, out totalHits);

Solution was to open web.config and set maxHitsForSearchResults value on episerver.search.indexingservice element:

<episerver.search.indexingservice maxHitsForSearchResults="20000">
    <add name="local" description="local" allowLocal="true" readonly="false" />
  <namedIndexes defaultIndex="default">
      <add name="default" directoryPath="[appDataPath]\Index" readonly="false" />

Hope this helps!

Oct 23, 2015 11:58
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